Monday, September 8, 2008

McRae Update

Lately life has been SO busy that I haven't had time to update our blog. I am going to give a run down of what's going on with each of us.
CHRIS: Football is under way and the Jags are 1-1! We won BIG last week against Montgomery County 41-6 and play J.J. McClain this Friday night. Chris loves JZ George and the kids, but is having a hard time keeping up with teaching five 8th grade science classes each day. This area is also state tested, so he has been a little stressed about making sure he is REALLY teaching these kids what they need to know. SG is loving the fact that he brings home 3 1/2 hours worth of papers to grade each week! It makes her feel like a "real" teacher. Chris is also about to start a new Sunday School class at our church in October and is excited about that.
SG: Sometimes we wonder if she actually still lives with us!ha She is extremely busy with school, show choir, soccer, friends, etc. They had a soccer camp this past Saturday, and she loved it! She is playing up this year on a U12 team and is pumped about being on Lexie's team. We have Open House tonight at her school, and she has AMAZING teachers this year. SG is still taking piano from MayMay and is moving right along in that. Peewee cheerleader starts soon, so honestly she is rarely here.
JB: Preschool is going great! They are learning so much! She comes home with at least 3 papers everyday including writing and listening skills work. Her teacher, Ms. Barbara, does so much in the short 3 hours that she has them. She has learned the Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of Allegience already. Dancing as you can guess is what she looks forward to every week! She has mastered walking up Miss Claire's driveway in her taps without slipping down at least 4 times. She loves Sunday School with Jacob and Miss Marla at church and says at least once a day "I love living in Winona with MayMay and PaPa".
EL: Our little Lou Lou has become a serious climber! She can climb on top of the piano, kitchen table, computer table, all of our beds and pretty much anything else that would give you a heart attack. We can actually understand some words she is saying now: "uh-oh", "bye bye", "ooooh" for the cow, "dug" aka dog, "baby" and "puppy".
Me: We just started Sunday School classes at our church for children, and I am teaching Sara Glenn's age class. Right now it's just she and I, but we hope to have some more come next Sunday. We are using John Piper's Children Desiring God curriculum, and it's AMAZING!!! I joined Junior Auxiliary and am going to be SG's cheerleader sponsor. I honestly take a nap everyday with the little two just to gear up for the afternoon and all of the activities. ha
As you can tell, life is busy right now at the McRae house, but it would be so boring any other way!


hharrel said...

Hey Amanda, this is Hope. I linked to you through Sarah. I enjoyed reading about ya'll! Will you let me know when SG has a show choir show? We would love to come see her! And I am sure you have made the Weir connection with Dicenzo, you know he was practically a Belk growing up! Take care, you have 3 beautiful girls!

Leigh Ann said...

Glad to hear everyone is doing so well. We miss all of you!

Bridget said...

Hi Amanda. We still miss you at Mother's Day Out. I am glad things are going well for each of you!

Candace said...

junior aux??? can't believe it!! in all your spare time..glad to see the update...missing you..looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks...

ThemDangBuckleys said...

I can't believe how busy you all are! You are definitely a supermom! We miss you so much...Love, Amie

ThemDangBuckleys said...

Just wanted to let you know I thought of you today when we were at Hobby Lobby in Hattiesburg and they were playing the same song you have on your blog while I was taking HG to the bathroom! Kind of an odd place to think about yall...but none the less! Sure do miss yall and hope we can see you soon!

The Hensons said...

candace just gave me the scoop on jb. just wanted y'all to know that we are praying for you. hang in there, mama.