Friday, July 25, 2008

Visit from the Elders

Today Rena and Ben Elder came to visit from Grenada, and we loved getting to see them! I haven't gotten to see Ben since he was born, and he is growing so fast. We put a pink blanket on the floor in the den, but Janey Beth insisted that we put his blue blanket on top of that. Funny girl! Already knows that boys don't like pink. It was a great visit besides the fact that my children scared the poor baby to death with their screaming. These days Emmy Lou screams, and I mean very loudly, at Janey Beth when she takes something from her, and everytime that happened poor Ben started whailing. He's not used to the drama of girls. haha On another note, Chris just got in at 9:30 tonight from working in the yard all afternoon. Nothing has been done to it in years, and the poor dog was living in a forest with all of those trees in her pen. We figured out quickly that the yard is going to be a constant project, and it is going to take a LONG time to get it where it needs to be. I am going to start raking tomorrow, so maybe some grass will start to grow. I am also going to take some before and after pics of the yard mainly to look at when we are so tired from working in it! haha Hopefully seeing progress will inspire us! We still miss all of our Tupelo friends and think about you often.


Rena said...

Ben took a long nap in the afternoon to recover from our visit (and from his night of talking rather than sleeping).