Friday, May 9, 2008

When it rains, it pours!

Where do I begin? The McRae household has had a very challenging last 2 weeks. It started with our computer acting up about two weeks ago. Come to find out, we had over 450, yes 450, viruses on it!!!! That's why I am just now adding my second post to our blog. Pictures will be next when we actually get our home computer back. Hopefully by the beginning of next week. Then Chris had a trip to the emergency room via Samuel who definitely gets "Brother of the Year" award which turned into an emergency appendectomy last Monday. We got home on Tuesday to my mom and grandmother who had the girls, and our plumbing decided to fall apart that very day. We got that fixed on Wednesday, and on Thursday we found out that Emmy Lou needed to have tubes put in her ears. Janey Beth had a precious preschool program on Friday morning where she waved and blew kisses to me the whole time. Sara Glenn had her first ever piano recital on Sunday in which she did not miss a note of "You Are Worthy". This week has been slow (HA) with only one showing of the house that we are desperately trying to sell and sweet little Emmy Lou having her tubes successfully put in today. We obviously would covet your prayers since we seem to be having so many trials. I have been reminded over and over that God only tests those He loves, and Dr. Kuiper says you do not learn anything from good times. So needlesss to say we are learning alot here lately!


Unknown said...

Aren't you looking forward to the day that you can look back and laugh at all of this??? love you! Sarah

Philip said...

I forgot to tell you to strap on your seatbelt for the ride of your life, when you became a McRae.
We hope that you had a blessed Mother's day. I know that it was a sacrifice having Chris and the older girls with us. The weekend was truly a blessing for Carolyn!
Sara Glenn did great. We love you so much!
Big Mac